Grow in Christ through Intentional Discipleship. 

A disciple is really just someone who wants to be like Jesus.

And discipleship is just how people get there.

Beacon has a few ways of making disciples;

The Alpha Course

We recommend that anyone new to Beacon takes Alpha, no matter where you're at in your relationship with Jesus. Hundreds of people have taken it at Beacon, and tens of millions worldwide. There are 8 weekly evening sessions; a meal is provided, followed by a video teaching and a group discussion.

Here's some info on upcoming Alpha courses!

Discipleship Classes

Discipleship is much more than just growing in knowledge- but at the same time, it's not less than growing in knowledge. 

Each of these classes covers a topic that wouldn't fit into a typical Sunday morning. 

They're usually offered during the third week of each month (excluding December, July, and August). 

Here's a list of all the classes and when they're offered.

And here's some info on upcoming classes!

Follow-up Groups

Following Jesus requires a great deal of life change. For someone who is just beginning this journey, it can be a little disorienting. Follow-up groups bring together 2 or 3 new Christians with a disciple-maker who connects with them on a relational level and helps them become firmly planted in their faith.

If you're interested in a follow-up group, tell Trevor!

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship Groups bring together 2 or 3 established followers of Jesus to join together with a disciple-maker in a deep, long-term relationship. They share life together, engage in spiritual disciplines, and want the gospel to shape every area of their lives.

If you're interested in a discipleship group, tell Trevor!

Bible Reading Plans

We've seen over and over that something profound happens in a person's life when they begin reading the Bible.

But most people struggle to find the motivation to read the Bible and often don't know where to start.

So Beacon invites the whole congregation to join a Bible Reading Plan that'll give an outline of daily readings.

Want to learn more? Check out: